Sunday Worship
Holy Eucharist @ 10:00AM
This service is a full choral service, with hymns, congregational singing of many parts of the service, and anthems by our choir. The music of the 10 o’clock service gives this worship experience a joyful, upbeat, atmosphere. This service is also in the contemporary language of Rite II.
We offer Nursery care for children 6 months of age through age 3.
Sunday School for children in 1st-12th grade is offered during the program year (school year). Sunday School begins at 10:00.
Morning service follows the same worship pattern:
- Opening with praise to God
- Listening to word in biblical readings from the Old and New Testaments
- Hearing the interpretation of that word for our present-day lives in a sermon or homily
- Giving our response in prayer and material offerings
- Recalling Christ’s sacrifice for us in the Great Thanksgiving
- Gathering around the altar rail as the parish family shares in the sacred meal of bread and wine at communion time
- Being dismissed to go into the world and share God’s love with all of God’s creation.
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